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Catch up on years of privacy laws in hours

TrueVault is a comprehensive privacy platform that manages compliance with data privacy laws. Built by experienced attorneys, our software takes your business from 0 to 100 — and keeps you there.

Regulatory fines
paid by our clients
requests processed
past 30 days

Trusted by data-driven brands

Privacy laws are sweeping across the US with 19 States & counting.
And noncompliance is an expensive gamble

Your data footprint is vast & complex and you're probably missing a lot.
You need a privacy program

Inform Users
Consumers need to be fully & accurately informed on how you use their data
Get Consent
You might be collecting the wrong type of consent & misusing data
On-Time Requests
Every privacy law imposes timelines for request handling
Vendor Oversight
You might lack required privacy language in your vendor contracts, exposing you to risks

Enter TrueVault

You don’t have to be a privacy expert to get compliant. Truevault is a single solution that handles all your privacy needs.

Hosted Privacy Center

A managed hub for consumers to learn about your privacy practices and exercise their rights

Request Handling

Track, manage, and automate privacy requests from one dashboard

Ready-Made Notices

Flexible privacy notices to match your business requirements

Vendor Privacy Monitoring

Not sure what kind of data your vendors process? Our research tracks 2,500+ suppliers to know how they treat customer data

Automatically up-to-date with the latest privacy laws

Non-compliant using TrueVault? We'll pay your fine up to $250k!*

*Subject to terms and conditions

Compliance Guarantee
We'll cover fines up to $250k!*

* available only for Pro Plan

Trusted by customer-driven brands

Top brands trust TrueVault for privacy

Alex Nelson
Digital Product Manager
TrueVault's expert guidance and comprehensive solutions have instilled confidence in our operations, ensuring we meet all existing and upcoming legal requirements seamlessly.
John Perasco
VP of Digital
This was so easy, it was like Turbo Tax and very straightforward to follow... This is awesome. I don't know how anyone can not have this.
Zane Olson
Director of IT
TrueVault keeps us sane.
GianKarlo Casimiro
Vice President, Ecommerce
Our experience with TrueVault has been great. We set up our account in about an hour, and the thoroughness of the platform gives me confidence in our data map.
Alex Nelson
Digital Product Manager
TrueVault's expert guidance and comprehensive solutions have instilled confidence in our operations, ensuring we meet all existing and upcoming legal requirements seamlessly.
John Perasco
VP of Digital
This was so easy, it was like Turbo Tax and very straightforward to follow... This is awesome. I don't know how anyone can not have this.
Zane Olson
Director of IT
TrueVault keeps us sane.
GianKarlo Casimiro
Vice President, Ecommerce
Our experience with TrueVault has been great. We set up our account in about an hour, and the thoroughness of the platform gives me confidence in our data map.

Have Questions? We've got answers.

How is TrueVault different from other privacy solutions?

Law firms can help businesses create a data map and identify compliance issues; they’re also slow, expensive, require a new consultation every time the laws change, and typically don’t provide much help with request handling. On the other hand, most SaaS privacy solutions focus primarily on automated request handling and leave businesses on their own to figure out everything else. TrueVault starts at the beginning, guiding businesses through all stages of compliance. You can create your business’s data map, post privacy notices, provider consumer opt-outs, and more, all without hiring an attorney. Vendor integrations and automated workflows make request-handling fast and simple.

Does TrueVault replace the need for a lawyer?

TrueVault was designed by attorneys to help businesses of all sizes navigate privacy compliance without needing to hire a law firm. We endeavor to provide the information and context necessary for businesses to make smart decisions about privacy, but TrueVault is not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney. Our product is used and loved by business leaders with diverse backgrounds, including in-house general counsels who use it to fill gaps in their privacy knowledge and technical capabilities.

Does TrueVault have DSAR automation?

Our platform uses automation to help your team easily handle consumer privacy requests. For example, through our platform, opt-outs on your website occur automatically through our Google Analytics integration, and data deletion requests are processed automatically through our GA connection. We also have integrations with key vendors like Shopify. Contact our team at help@truevault.com if you have any questions about specific vendors you work with.

Can TrueVault track website visitor consent?

Yes! TrueVault offers a consent management platform (CMP) to track cookie consent and more. While opt-in consent is not required for most data processing under US state privacy laws, TrueVault customers still have access to a robust set of customizable consent management tools if they want to implement them.

Which privacy laws does TrueVault cover?

You can view a current list of privacy laws covered by TrueVault here. Please note that the laws covered may vary according to the terms of your subscription.

How long does it take to get compliant with TrueVault?

Every business is different, but many TrueVault customers are able to launch their privacy center to their website and be ready to handle privacy requests in 1–2 business days.